Author: suresh


Es waren Pfingst-Feiertage. Wiedermal ein Familientreffen, wir sind nicht religiös. Auf Grund meiner Herkunft praktiziere gelegentlich die hinduistische Weltanschauung. Nach einem schönen gemütlichen Abend mit Familie wurde ich müde und schlief irgendwann ein. Ich habe wiedermal geträumt und fast alles…


Never learnt much about Shivaji in history in School. Amazed at what many think of him: “From Kabul to Kandahar my Taimur family created the Mogul Sultanate. Iraq, Iran, Turkistan and in many more countries my army defeated ferocious warriors.…

you can listen their tunes

This is absolutely amazing ! Click on the link and enlarge the frame to see the birds clearly. Touch the birds with your cursor and don’t press to long. You’ll hear its call. Enjoy !


This iconic photograph depicts the end of the career of matador Alvaro Munero. In the midst of the battle, he suddenly, in remorse, sat down at the edge of the arena. After, in an interview, Alvaro will tell: “Suddenly I…

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