Warum wir kurz vor dem Wecker klingeln hellwach sind – Eine wissenschaftliche Erklärung Es ist mir schon mehrmals passiert, dass ich eine oder zwei Minuten vor dem Wecker klingeln aufwache und mich darüber wundere. Ich greife zu meinem Telefon und…
The European Union has approved the consumption of insects. What will be the impact due to this permit? Kai D. The approval of the consumption of insects by the European Union (EU) could have a number of impacts. Some of…
AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS – MUST READ WITH PATIENCE. Rules for senior citizens! Please don’t lock thedoors of washroom frominside when you areinside. Sit down on astool or chair and takebath/ shower. Don’tstand & take a bath evenunder…
What Time Should You Sleep??By Dr. Hiralal Pawar D M cardiology Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that sleeping early and waking up early is good for your health. How true is that? Is it…
It is worth spending two minutes to take read the information below. An American doctor tells us that Nocturia, heart problem and cerebral infarction are related. The most common symptom of middle-aged and elderly people is nocturia (waking up at…
IF YOU ARE 60 YRS OF AGE, HEALTH HINTS FOR YOU “””””””””””””””” A. Two things to check! as often as you can (1) Your blood pressure (2) Your blood sugar B. Three things to reduce to the minimum on your…