A rich man was hosting a party in his mansion and he invited many upper class people. He invited a renowned chef to prepare the special dish for the party and he was also asked to come empty handed.

The host insisted that the chef must use only the products from his garden and farm. The mansion had a beautiful and gigantic garden with wide varieties of vegetables which can be used by the chef to prepare the dishes.

In addition to that a swimming pool, a pond with beautiful fishes, horse stables, dogs and well-nourished cattle farm was also present in that particular estate. Their products were so perfect that even the potatoes was perfectly shaped and without any spots and dots and they are handpicked as well. The special dish was the one which was made with spinach and fried eggs.

This spectacular dish was indeed a treat for the guests. It was so fascinating that the guests emptied the whole bowls and praised the chef for his extra ordinary tasty cooking. One of them asked the chef for its recipe. The chef assured the guest that he had only used the products from the host’s garden and there was no meat in it and he hesitated to reveal his secret recipe. He also added that you shouldn’t ask the magician how the tricks are performed. Instead you just simply have to enjoy it.

The guest replied that the chef was not a magician but he said it can be related. Then the chef went inside the kitchen and everyone thought that he went inside to get something, but then he disappeared without taking a leave. He was never seen again after this incident. The cleaning staffs were not allowed to enter the kitchen when the parties are going on.

But one cleaning staff, a lady, entered the kitchen and the owner saw her. He went inside the kitchen and started shouting at her out of anger, “How dare you enter inside the kitchen”. She got scared and started shaking. Then she whispered something to the owner and the owner suddenly put his arm on her shoulder and everyone including the guests were surprised because the servants are considered as lower classes and were not supposed to be touched by the aristocrats. Everyone was wondering what the servant told to the host.

One of the guests went towards the servant eagerly. She was not supposed to disclose the thing that she said to the host but without knowing that, she said what she whispered to her employer to the guest.

When the guests came to know what the chef did they got angry and were in search of the chef to punish him!
Dear readers, if you wonder what it was or what that could have happened please visit our blog.suresh.de/gourmet-chef read and comment
Based on a true incident that happened somewhere in Europe, I wrote this story to draw attention to the fact that taste does not necessarily indicate the quality of the edible.
As the saying goes: “All that glitters is not gold”.
Here is the German version: http://blog.suresh.de/der-chefkoch-im-herrenhaus/