Ein Vermögenswert verschafft Ihnen einen zukünftigen finanziellen Nutzen. Verbindlichkeiten verschaffen Ihnen eine künftige Verpflichtung. Das Verhältnis von Vermögenswerten zu Verbindlichkeiten sollte immer höher sein. Das Nettovermögen* ist die Differenz zwischen dem, was Sie besitzen und dem, was Sie schulden. Aktiva…
Author: unknown Author
Assets and Liabilities in Simple language
by unknown Author •
An asset gives you future financial benefit. Liabilities will give you a future obligation. The proportion of assets to liabilities should always be higher. Net worth* is the difference between what you own and what you owe. Assets and liabilities are…
by unknown Author •
Something should be done for these people…
by unknown Author •
A young man in his thirties used to stand on the footpath opposite the famous Tata Cancer Hospital in Mumbai and stare at the crowd in front- fear plainly written upon the faces of the patients standing at death’s door;…
Interview with Nicola Tesla- 1899
by unknown Author •
Nikola Tesla gave a rare interview to a journalist named John Smith in 1899, and the ideas expressed by Tesla were so revolutionary that the interview was covered up and hidden for over 100 years, despite the enormous public interest…
y only Indians are Reborn !
by unknown Author •
Why only Indians are Reborn (based on the Karma system) Angel Gabriel came to the Lord and said: “I have to talk to you. “We have some Indians here in Heaven and they are causing problems. “They are swinging on…
Why India Works !
by unknown Author •
Why India Works !(Written by internationally acclaimed film director Shekhar Kapoor.) A greater ‘hole in the wall’ you cannot imagine. A small fading sign on the top saying “Cellphoon reapars” barely visible through the street vendors crowding the Juhu Market…
Out of 100, Only 8 live >65 years of age
by unknown Author •
Hats off to whoever has compiled these statistics! Read and understand how lucky we are!! The current population of Earth is around 7.8 billion.For most people, it is a large figure, that is all. However, someone has condensed the 7.8…
Karma and the catholic priest
by unknown Author •
In Tamilnadu almost every village has its own Deity, Temple, and traditions. In one such traditional village there was also a catholic father, who collected several converted village people together and constructed a small church. The panchayat could not do…
Lebenslektion – Veden studieren
by unknown Author •
Ein junger Mann, Mitte zwanzig, klopft an die Tür eines berühmten Gurus. Er sagt: “Ich bin zu dir gekommen, weil ich die Veden studieren möchte.” “Kannst du Sanskrit?”, fragt der Guru. “Nein”, antwortet der junge Mann. “Hast du indische Philosophie…